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Mark Sheffield

Graduate Student, Laboratory of Genetics

B.S. in Biology, Kansas State University, 1999

Address: Rm. 329 Zoology Research Bldg.; 1117 W. Johnson St., Madison, WI 53706

Phone: (608) 265-2520


Research Interests:

One of the major steps in morphogenesis of the C. elegans embryo of interest to the Hardin lab is intercalation of the dorsal hypodermis. This process involves the rearrangement of 20 cells in the hypodermis from two adjacent anterior-posterior columns to one column by means of interdigitation and elongation. The physical processes of movement and changes in cell shape during intercalation have been documented, but little of what is occurring at the molecular level is understood.

I am currently conducting a genetic screen of EMS treated animals seeking mutants defective in dorsal intercalation in the hopes of identifying the molecular players involved in this process. F3 are being examined in order to detect potential maternal effect mutants as well as mutations in zygotic acting genes. This screen is being performed via fluorescent microscopy using a JAM-1::GPF marker to delineate epithelial cell junctions. Additionally, the genetic background being mutagenized contains elf-1(oj55), where the cell fusions in the dorsal hypodermis which would normally mask intercalation defects in arrested embryos do not occur.


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