Human karyotypes for teaching: (47, XY,+21, Trisomy 21) These karyotypes are from abnormal males. There is a full set of 23 homologous pairs of autosomes, and an X and Y, but an extra chromosome 21. These individuals are also said to have Down syndrome. Individuals with Down syndrome (formerly known as mongolism, from the commonly occuring skin fold on the medial side of the eye) are invariably mentally retarded, but are the most "normal" of any of the autosomal trisomies that survive to birth. There are many profound social questions arising from these births that provide abundant opportunity for class discussions. To transfer the image to your computer, click on the appropriate image name, and save it to your hard disk.
Each karyotype is available in one of three forms:
These karyotypes are from the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene. They are intended for use in teaching to help students study human chromosomes. Copyright for these images remains with the State Laboratory of Hygiene, apply to them for permission for any other use than non-profit teaching. For technical information on the methodology by which these smears were created click here.
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