Welcome to the Dynamics of Development, version 2.0! This tutorial is intended to provide supplementation to standard courses in animal development. It is admittedly idiosyncratic, and was originally designed by Jeff Hardin for use in his Introduction to Animal Development course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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If you use any materials from this web site, I ask three things:
(1) Please acknowledge that you obtained the materials from Jeff Hardin's Dynamics of Development tutorial.
(2) Please provide a link back to this site from the page(s) where you use such materials. The URL is: http://worms.zoology.wisc.edu/dd2
(3) The materials presented here may be used for not-for-profit educational purposes. Disclaimer: Rights to the movies and other images used in this tutorial are controlled by their creators. Redistribution of these materials without the express written consent of Jeff Hardin and the original copyright holders is prohibited.
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